It’s the middle of the workday, and one of your employees just opened a phishing email. Do you know where your data is at right now? Many people underestimate the impact data loss or theft can have on their company. As a business owner, information technology might not be your area of expertise, but that’s why you count on ZenGroup.
Why Data Backup Is Important for Your Business
How safe is your data? It’s not just a question of IT security; it’s part of your broader backup processes. Maybe you’ve never been through a natural disaster or been hacked, but most businesses have had some accidentally delete files they shouldn’t have. Even as a small business, you need to have copies of your data being backed up regularly and easy to access in a time of need.
According to a ComLink Solutions study and
- 20% of small to medium businesses will suffer a major disaster causing loss of critical data every five years.
- 30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year, 70% fail within five years.
- 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within six months of the disaster.
Some people think they will never need a disaster recovery plan, but for those people, it is like driving around without your seat belt clipped. The times when you do need that safety feature, it could save your life. And the right data backup service can save your business.
The threat could come from external hackers, natural disasters, accidental fires, and even innocent employee error. Taking precautions today protects the future of your organization.
A Backup Strategy Is a Part of Being Proactive
At ZenGroup, we’ve always dedicated ourselves to delivering lasting IT solutions and not temporary fixes. We could come out every time you lose data and try to recover it, but that is reactive thinking. It puts out the fire, but it does not address the source of the flame.
The type of backup strategies we can implement won’t even require an in-person visit from one of our experts to recover your data. The initial backups are performed by an automated system and, depending on your unique plan, your data could be recoverable from anywhere with an internet connection.
Ready for Cloud Backup Solutions?
There was a time, years ago, when you just needed some external hard drives and you could expect your employees to back up their data on their own. Today, the cloud has changed all of that and the advancement of the technology offers better, more modern options.
With our cloud solutions, you’ve got greater mobility, streamlined updates, and reliable business continuity for all your systems. The cloud technology available today can be intimidating for the uninitiated, but the team at ZenGroup is here to help you find the solution that fits your situation.
Want to see what it takes to build a disaster recovery plan for your office? Take a moment to see what we recommend.
Data Backup Protects Your Productivity
It’s comforting to know that your data is secure and protected. But, another benefit of professional data backup is the speed of recovery. When you experience a data breach or substantial data loss, the clock starts ticking.
Every moment spent recovering that information or searching for your old shared files is time not spent on working for the future. You can’t wait 30 days for a lost file. At ZenGroup, we implement data backup programs that are as fast as they are secure. You can trust your information is moments away and safe from intrusion.
Ready to look into how commercial cyber security can protect your business? Take a deep dive into the security services we offer at ZenGroup.
Lower Your Exposure to Risk and Increase Your Flexibility at the Same Time
Whether you opt to use a geographically redundant data center or a local cloud backup service, you are engaging professional risk management for your operations.
Rely on us to make sure you have the storage space and file-sharing tools you need. The backup systems and cloud solutions you’ll find with ZenGroup don’t just add safety to your operations, they increase your flexibility.
Our clients have the secure freedom of knowing their network is stable and their data is protected. That peace of mind, combined with the collaboration tools we can implement, expand the possibilities for your entire operation. To learn more about data backup risk management, contact ZenGroup today.